
All auto-generated setters / actions / mutations

Vuex Easy Access creates one setter / action / mutation for every single property in your store! All AUTOMATICALLY!

Here is the overview of an example store and everything that will be auto generated:

Regular state props

// Only required setup
state: {
  someProp: {nestedProp: ''}
// Gives you access to:

// Easy Access shorthand
set('module/someProp', newVal)
set('module/someProp.nestedProp', newVal)

// auto-generated Vuex actions
dispatch('module/set/someProp', newVal)
dispatch('module/set/someProp.nestedProp', newVal)

// auto-generated Vuex mutations
commit('module/someProp', newVal)
commit('module/someProp.nestedProp', newVal)

Array state props

// Only required setup
state: {
  someArray: []
// Gives you access to:

// Easy Access shorthand
set('module/someArray.push', newVal)
set('module/someArray.shift', newVal)
set('module/someArray.pop', newVal)
set('module/someArray.splice', newVal)

// auto-generated Vuex actions
dispatch('module/set/someArray.push', newVal)
dispatch('module/set/someArray.shift', newVal)
dispatch('module/set/someArray.pop', newVal)
dispatch('module/set/someArray.splice', newVal)

// auto-generated Vuex mutations
commit('module/someArray.push', newVal)
commit('module/someArray.shift', newVal)
commit('module/someArray.pop', newVal)
commit('module/someArray.splice', newVal)

Wildcard state props

// Only required setup
state: {
  someObject: {'*': ''}
// Gives you access to:

// Easy Access shorthand
set('module/someObject.*', {id, newVal}) // or
set('module/someObject.*', {[id]: newVal})
delete('module/someObject.*', id)

// auto-generated Vuex actions
dispatch('module/set/someObject.*', {id, newVal}) // or
dispatch('module/set/someObject.*', {[id]: newVal})
dispatch('module/delete/someObject.*', id)

// auto-generated Vuex mutations
commit('module/someObject.*', {id, newVal}) // or
commit('module/someObject.*', {[id]: newVal})
commit('module/-someObject.*', id)


// Getters you can use

And Vuex Easy Access does all this for you... All you have to do is write your state! That's it!
Say goodbye to boilerplating. Don't let it be a roadblock in order to do best practices!