

Please note that it is not recommended to use too much hooks in big applications.

If you want to add additional functionality to certain getters/setters it is better to create a getters/mutation/action manually with a specific name.

The reason is that setting up a hook into the regular get() or set() of Vuex Easy Access is done on the Vuex-module side, and thus not clear from just looking at a Vue component! So it's easy to forget and might put you in situations where you expected different behaviour.

Nevertheless, you can change the get/set behaviour as you please!

Hook into get()

Say that we want to make the first letter of our primary Pokémon always show up with a capital letter. For this we can overwrite the default get('character/party.primary') getter like so:

// Module: `character/`
state: { party: { primary: 'mewtwo' } },
getters: {
  // create a getter with the prop name you want to overwrite:
  'party.primary': (state) => {
    const name = state.party.primary
    // capitalise first letter:
    return name[0].toUpperCase() + name.substring(1)

Now automatically in your whole app where you used get('character/party.primary') it will return the Pokémon name with a first capital letter!

The get() method of Vuex Easy Access first checks if a getter with the syntax like above exists. If it does it will return the getter, if not it will just return the state property: state.character.party.primary.

Hook into set()

Say we want a side effect to our setter. Instead of creating a new setter and changing all our Vue components, we can easily overwrite the default set() action to do extra stuff.

Let's notify the user each time the primary Pokémon was changed:

// Module: `character/`
actions: {
  // create an action with the prop name you want to overwrite:
  'party.primary': ({commit, dispatch}, newPokemon) => {
    dispatch('notify', 'Primary Pokémon changed!', {root: true})
    // do not forget to commit manually when overwriting the setter:
    return commit('party.primary', newPokemon)

The set() method of Vuex Easy Access checks to see if an action with the same path exist. If it exists it will dispatch this action, if not it will just make a default mutation: commit('character/party.primary', newPokemon).

As you can see you need to manually commit a mutation. All these mutations are also already created by Vuex Easy Access for you. Please review the correct mutation syntax down below or check the overview.

Syntax for overwriting setters

You can choose two setups for mutation/setter syntax: simple (default) or traditional. This will affect how you make commits or overwrite them!

Let's take this example state:
pokemonBox: { water: [] }

When you want to overwrite the setter actions:

// 'simple' uses just the property name:
'pokemonBox.water': ({commit}, newVal) => {
  // do something extra
  commit('pokemonBox.water', newVal) // you have to commit when overwriting

// 'traditional' uses 'set' in front of actions and 'SET_' in front of mutations:
'setPokemonBox.water': ({commit}, newVal) => {
  // do something extra
  commit('SET_POKEMONBOX.WATER', newVal) // you have to commit when overwriting

And the underlying mutations it will use:

// 'simple' (default):
commit('pokemonBox', newVal)
commit('pokemonBox.water', newVal)
commit('pokemonBox.water.push', newVal)
commit('pokemonBox.water.pop', newVal)
commit('pokemonBox.water.shift', newVal)
commit('pokemonBox.water.splice', newVal)
// 'traditional':
commit('SET_POKEMONBOX', newVal)
commit('SET_POKEMONBOX.WATER', newVal)
commit('POP_POKEMONBOX.WATER', newVal)

You can choose your preferred pattern like this:

const easyAccess = createEasyAccess({
  pattern: 'traditional', // or 'simple'
// and in your modules:
mutations: {
  ...defaultMutations(state, {pattern: 'traditional'}) // or 'simple'

(Do not use conflicting choices in the plugin settings and the defaultMutations)

Hook for Firestore sync

In cases you want to sync your Vuex store automatically with Firebase's Firestore see Firestore integration (for Google Firebase).