# Feedback

Do you have questions, comments, suggestions or feedback? Or any feature that's missing that you'd love to have? Feel free to open an issue! ♥

Planned future features:

  • Create a YouTube video
  • Documentation
    • Add other documentation languages
    • Improve 'patching' documentation for loaders/spinners
  • Improve under the hood syntax (consider using _vuexEasyFirestoreConf instead of _conf)
  • Warn when there are props that clash with this library

# Support

If you like what I built, you can say thanks by buying me a coffee! 😃

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

If you want me to look at your code / do a code-review or a one-on-one lesson (in exchange for a couple of coffees 😉), feel free to contact me on twitter 🦜.

Thank you so much!! Every little bit helps.


Happy Vuexing!
-Luca Ban