Regular functions
function sum(x: number, y: number): number {
return x + y
// parameter labels are not written when calling
const result = sum(10, 5)
func sum(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
return x + y
// by default, parameter labels must be written when calling
let result = sum(x: 10, y: 5)
Parameter Labels (Named vs Unnamed)
// In TS/JS parameter labels are not written when calling a function.
// Named parameters can be achieved using an object
function greet({ name }: { name: string }) {
console.log("Hello ", name)
greet({ name: "Alice" })
// Unnamed parameters
function greet(name: string) {
console.log("Hello ", name)
// In Swift there are two ways to define parameters:
// - Named parameters: labels must be written when calling
// - Unnamed parameters: labels must be omitted when calling
// Named parameters
func greet(name: String) {
print("Hello", name)
greet(name: "Alice")
// Unnamed parameters
func greet(_ name: String) {
print("Hello", name)
Async functions
// async function with explicit return type
async function fetchData(): Promise<string> {
return "data"
// await in an async context
const result = await fetchData()
// async function with explicit return type
func fetchData() async -> String {
return "data"
// await in an async context
let result = await fetchData()
See Async Await for more details on async functions.
Arrow functions (closures)
Similar to a TS arrow function is the Swift closure. This is what's used when passing functions as parameters.
Explicit types (as part of the implementation)
// arrow function with types
const sum = (x: number, y: number): number => x + y
const result = sum(10, 5)
// closure with types
let sum = { (x: Int, y: Int) -> Int in x + y }
// A closure always has unnamed parameters
let result = sum(10, 5)
To be honest, I find that a Swift closure is hard to read when the types are defined as part of the closure. It's more common to define the types separately, see the next section "implicit types" to see the difference.
Implicit types (defined separately)
Here the type signature is defined separately from the implementation. Meaning the implementation has implicit types. (in Swift this is more common than explicit types)
// arrow function with implicit types
const sum: (x: number, y: number) => number = (x, y) => x + y
// OR with a type alias
type SumFn = (x: number, y: number) => number
const sum: SumFn = (x, y) => x + y
const result = sum(10, 5)
// closure with implicit types
let sum: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y in x + y }
// OR with a type alias
typealias SumFn = (Int, Int) -> Int
let sum: SumFn = { x, y in x + y }
// A closure always has unnamed parameters
let result = sum(10, 5)
Use as function parameter
// define a function type as parameter
function operation(
a: number,
b: number,
op: (x: number, y: number) => number
): number {
return op(a, b)
// pass an arrow function as parameter
const result = operation(
(x, y) => x + y
// define a function type as parameter
func operation(
a: Int,
b: Int,
op: (Int, Int) -> Int
) -> Int {
return op(a, b)
// pass a closure as parameter
let result = operation(
a: 10,
b: 5,
op: { x, y in x + y }
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
Explicit return type
const result = ((): string => {
return "abc"
console.log(result) // "abc"
let result = { () -> String in
return "abc"
print(result) // "abc"
Implicit return type
Here the type signature is defined separately from the implementation. Meaning the implementation has implicit types.
const result: string = (() => {
return "abc"
console.log(result) // "abc"
let result: String = {
return "abc"
print(result) // "abc"
Async IIFE
const result: string = await (async () => {
return await fetchData()
console.log(result) // "data"
let result: String = await {
return await fetchData()
print(result) // "data"
Default Parameters
function greet(name: string = "Charlie") {
console.log("Hello, ", name)
greet() // "Hello, Charlie"
greet("Edgar") // "Hello, Edgar"
func greet(name: String = "Charlie") {
print("Hello,", name)
greet() // "Hello, Charlie"
greet(name: "Edgar") // "Hello, Edgar"
Multiple default parameters
// Multiple parameters with defaults
function greet(greeting: string, name: string = "Charlie", punctuation: string = "!") {
console.log(greeting, name, punctuation)
greet("Hi ") // "Hi Charlie!"
greet("Hi ", "Edgar") // "Hi Edgar!"
// When skipping a parameter, you must use `undefined`
greet("Hi ", undefined, "?") // "Hi Charlie?"
// OR
// It's cleaner to use an object with optional parameters in this case
function greet(options: { greeting: string, name?: string, punctuation?: string }) {
const = { greeting, name = "Charlie", punctuation = "!" } = options
console.log(greeting, name, punctuation)
// Now you can skip the `name` like so:
greet({ greeting: "Hi ", punctuation: "?" }) // "Hi Charlie?"
// Multiple parameters with defaults
func greet(greeting: String, name: String = "Charlie", punctuation: String = "!") {
print(greeting, name, punctuation)
greet(greeting: "Hi") // "Hi Charlie "
greet(greeting: "Hi", name: "Edgar") // "Hi Edgar !"
// You can skip any named parameter with default value
greet(greeting: "Hi", punctuation: "?") // "Hi Charlie ?"
Rest parameters (variadic parameters)
function logger(...params: any[]) {
console.log(params.join(" - "))
// In TS you can convert the array of parameters back to individual arguments:
console.log("logger ", ...params)
logger(1, 2, 3)
// "1 - 2 - 3"
// "logger 1 2 3"
func printer(_ params: Any...) {
print( { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " - "))
// In Swift you cannot convert an array of parameters back to individual arguments:
print("printer", params)
printer(1, 2, 3)
// "1 - 2 - 3"
// "printer [1, 2, 3]"